CSR in India
Corporate bodies involvement in CSR activities is not a new concept in India Industrial majors are engaged in social development activities since long back However, the Companies Act, 2013 has brought it under the legal purview. The concept of CSR is introduced through “Comply-or-Explain mandate. It mandates qualifying companies to constitute Corporate Social Responsibility Committee to effectively monitor CSR activities of the Company. Further the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “the CSR Rules”) lay down the framework and modalities for carrying out CSR activities which are specified in Schedule VII of the Act
Objective and Scope
1. Objective
The main objective of the CSR Policy is to lay down guidelines to make CSR as one of the key focus areas to adhere to interest in environment and society that focuses on making a positive contribution to society through effective impact and sustainable development programs.
This Policy covers the proposed CSR activities to be undertaken by the Company and ensuring that they are in line with Schedule VII of the Act as amended from time to time. It covers the CSR activities which are being carried out in India only and includes strategy that defines plans for future CSR activities
2. Scope & Coverage
The CSR activities of the Company shall include but not limited to any or all of the sectors/activities as may be prescribed by Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 amended from time to time. Further, the Company will review the sectors/activities. from time to time and make additions/ deletions/ clarifications to the above sectors/activities
GTI CSR committee Constitutes are Mr Pravin Kumar, Mr Arvind Kumar and Mr Bharat Doshi who effectively implement the objective of the company with respect to the CSR activities.